Telegram beta version brings video calling feature for Android, IOS, windows and, mac

This is a piece of good news to all the telegram uses recently telegram’s beta version update comes with the new and most requested feature “video calling”. Most of the telegram users have been requesting this feature for so long and finally, it is out in the recent Beta version 7.0 update.

Telegram already released the voice calling feature is there in stable version and it’s working pretty well with the end to end encryption.
It is the most secure and popular online messaging platform that can be used in Android, IOS, Windows, and even in Macbooks.

Telegram has recently announced in their official Twitter account about their beta update and its features apart from video calling like profile videos, up to 2 GB file sharing, groups stats, mini thumbnails the chart, also improved people feature and many more

Features of the telegram’s new beta update

Video calling

As we all know the telegram is the most secure online messing app and may users are requesting for Telegram video calling feature and it is finally here now for all beta users, to be a beta user just go to play store and scroll down, there you will get an option like join click on join and update the telegram app.

Up to 2 GB File Sharing

Since 2014, Telegram offering its users to share files up to 1.5 GB in each message and it increases to 2GB and this is also very good news while WhatsApp only allows us to transfer in few Megabytes (MB).

Profile Video

Now you can upload video for your profile DP(display picture)

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Improved People Nearby

Telegram already has the “people nearby” feature with this update it improved a lot and this is also a new feature for WhatsApp users. With these updates, I think there are many reasons to shift from WhatsApp to telegram.

Telegram Video Call Feature
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This is a very cool feature that you can see the thumbnails of an image of the chat conversations without opening.

Telegram Video Call Feature
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Group Stats

group stats is a required option for telegram’s group admin because unlike WhatsApp you can add unlimited members in your group.

So if you have a 100K or 1M subscribes to your group then stats are very useful to monitor the group health and engagement.

Also Read : how to hide your mobile number in telegram.

Android Extras

Android Extras is a music player with a new design and an expandable tracks list and you can crop/trim the voice message or music clip

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More Animated Emoji

telegram has plenty of emojis and with this update, they added more animated emoji which makes the users feel the emotions virtually

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Multiple Accounts on Telegram Desktop

So far you can use multiple telegram accounts in android and IOS mobiles only but now you can use multiple accounts in your desktop (both windows and Macbooks)

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