150 Essential windows 10 shortcuts keys to improve your productivity

windows shortcuts keys are the best way to improve your productivity and these windows 10 shortcuts keys will make things easy without moving your hand from keyboard to mouse.

Here are the 100 windows 10 shortcuts keys you should know to improve your productivity.

To make you understand I have divided these 100 windows shortcuts into 3 categories

  1. universal shortcuts
  2. Word/excel shortcuts
  3. Windows Shortcuts
  4. Chromebook Shortcuts

Here are the windows 10 shortcuts keys (Download Free PDF from below)

Universal Shortcuts

Ctrl + A  > Select the entire text on the selected window

Ctrl + Z > Undo (erasing which is just added)

Ctrl + Y > Redo an action.

Ctrl + X  > cut the selected text

Ctrl + C > copy the selected text

Ctrl + V > paste the selected text

Ctrl + B  > Makes the selected text Bold

Ctrl + U > Makes the selected text Underline

Ctrl + I > Makes the selected text Italic

Ctrl + S > To save the file 

Ctrl + D > Delete selected item.

Ctrl + P >  To give print of the current page 

Shift + D > Delete the selected item permanently skipping Recycle Bin.

Ctrl + D > Delete the selected files

Ctrl + Shift + N > Create new folder on desktop or File Explorer.

Word/excel shortcuts

Ctrl + Alt + V > Paste Special

Shift + Ctrl + 9 >   Unhide Row

Ctrl + 0 >  Hide Column

Shift + Ctrl + 0 > Unhide Column

Ctrl + Space >  Select column 

Ctrl + O >   Open Workbook

Ctrl + S > Save Workbook

Ctrl + N> New Workbook

Ctrl + P > Print

F12 > Save as

Ctrl + F2 >Print Preview

Alt F4 > Close Excel

Ctrl + pgup > Jumps to previous sheet

Ctrl + ⬇ > Moves to last row of data

Ctrl + ⬆ > Moves to first row of set

Ctrl + ⬅ >  Move to one word on right

Ctrl + ➡ > Move to oonoe word on right

Ctrl + . > Copy formula from above cell

Ctrl + * >Copy value from above cell

Ctrl + : > Insert current time

Alt + F4 > Close the currently opened window

Alt + Tab >  Switch between open apps by click on TAB

Ctrl + Shift + Click app button > To Rum As Administrator

Home > Scroll to the top of the window.

End >  Scroll to the bottom of the window.

F1> Get Help.

F2>  Rename selected item.

F3 > Open FIND option

F4> Switch focuses on to address bar.

F5 > Refresh File Explorer’s current view.

F6 > Cycle through elements on the screen.

F11 > Switch active window full-screen mode. 

Windows Shortcuts

Win key + V > copy clip

Win key + Number (0-9)> Open the app in the number position in the taskbar.

Win key + PRT SC > windows shortcuts screenshot and PRT SC

Win key + Shift + S > Create part of the screen screenshot.

Win key + Alt + D > Open date and time in the taskbar.

Win key + Pause > Show System Properties dialog box.

Win key + M > Minimize all windows.

Win key + B > Set focus notification area in the taskbar.

Win key + (.)  Open Emojis 

Win key + D >  Show the Desktop

Win key + Ctrl + D > Create a virtual desktop.

Win key + Ctrl + F4 > Close active virtual desktop

Win key + Ctrl + Left arrow > Switch to the virtual desktop on the left.

Win key + Ctrl + Right arrow > Switch to the virtual desktop on the right.

Win key + Ctrl + Shift + B > Wake up the device when black or a blank screen.

Win key + I >  Open Settings app.

Win key + E > Open File Explorer.

Win key + L >  Lock Device

Win key + S  Search 

Win key + F > Launch Feedback Hub app.

Win key + C > Launch Cortana app.

Win key + O > Lock device orientation.

Win key + G > Launch Game bar app.

Win key + R > Open Run command.

Win key + Y > Change input between desktop and Mixed Reality.

Win key + J > Set focus on a tip for Windows 10 when applicable.

Win key + H > Open dictation feature.

Win key + K > Open Connect settings.

Win key + X > Open Quick Link menu.

Win key + V > Open Clipboard bin.

Win key + P > Open Project settings.

Win key + Ctrl + Enter > Open Narrator.

Win key + T > Cycle through apps in the taskbar.

Win key + Z > Switch input between the desktop experience and Windows Mixed Reality.

Win key + W > Open the Windows Ink Workspace.

Win key + U > Open Ease of Access settings.

Win key + (,) > Temporarily peek at the desktop.

Win key + Up arrow key > Maximize app windows.

Win key + Down arrow key > Minimize app windows.

Win key + Home > Maximize or Minimize all but the active desktop window.

Win key + Plus (+) > Zoom in using the magnifier.

Win key + Minus (-) > Zoom out using the magnifier.

Win key + Esc > Exit magnifier.

Win key + Forward-slash (/) > Start IME reconversion.

Win key + Shift + M > Restore minimized windows on the desktop.

Win key + Shift + Right arrow key > Move active window to monitor on the right.

Win key + Shift + Up arrow key > Stretch desktop window to the top and bottom of the screen.

Win key + Shift + Left arrow key >  Move active window to monitor on the left.

Win key + Left arrow key > Snap app or window left.

Win key + Right arrow key >Snap app or window left.

Win key + A > Open Action Center

Win key + Shift + S > Capture part of the screen with Snip & Sketch.

Win key + Alt + Number (0-9) >  Open Jump List of the app in number position in the taskbar.

Also Read: How To Take Screenshot In Incognito Mode Android

windows 10 shortcuts keys
windows 10 shortcuts keys

Chromebook Shortcuts

These shortcuts will help you if you are using Chromebook or chrome browser

Tip: Press Ctrl + Alt + ? to see a map of these shortcuts on your screen

Ctrl + F > Find

Ctrl + I >  Italicize

Ctrl + K >  Create a link

Ctrl + L >  Omnibox text

Ctrl + N > New Window 

Ctrl + 🔍 >  Caps lock

Ctrl + + >Zoom in

Ctrl + Space Bar > Screenshot

🔍 > Search 

⬅ > Go Back

➡ > Go Forward

Ctrl + R > Refresh

Ctrl + R > New tab

Ctrl + W> Close tab

Ctrl + 0> Reset zoom

Ctrl + – > Zoom Out

Ctrl + Shift + Space > Screenshot (Partial Screen)

Here are the 120 windows 10 shortcuts keys that will help you to increase your productivity.

I have provided a PDF with all these shortcuts which will make you easy to read, download the PDF form below

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